Should You Obtain Financing to Purchase Equipment or Lease It?
Universal Finance Corp. offers financing that keeps businesses on track to meet deadlines and avoid interruptions in the projects they are working on. We help clients in a wide range of industries that include franchises, vocational businesses, and dental equipment suppliers by providing a range of equipment financing options. Our creative financing programs and customizable payment plans provide borrowers with the funds they need to purchase equipment and obtain working capital.
When a customer comes to us to obtain financing, one question they often ask is whether it’s better to obtain financing to purchase the equipment they need or to lease it. Choosing between financing or leasing depends on each customer’s unique needs but the team at Universal can offer advice to business owners when it comes to making this decision.
According to the Equipment Leasing and Finance Association, business owners should first consider the purpose of the equipment they need and how long they expect to keep it. For short term equipment needs, leasing is often the less expensive and more sensible option. Universal suggests that our clients take the time to determine how long it will take for the equipment to pay for itself. If a business doesn’t recoup the purchasing price by the time it’s finished using the equipment, a lease is likely the best way to go. For equipment that is expected to be used for fewer than 36 months, we recommend leasing as the preferable option.
Otherwise, financing the purchase of the equipment is the better route to go as the accumulated cost of leasing may outweigh the price of obtaining financing to buy it outright. In addition, if the equipment is expected to be part of everyday operations for many years, it is usually worth owning. We also recommend obtaining financing to purchase equipment when replacing older equipment that’s been an integral part of an operation, or if new equipment is needed because current inventory isn’t sufficient to meet consumer demands.
There are many factors to consider when purchasing or leasing equipment. The team at Universal Finance will work directly with you to provide the guidance you need to choose the right options to get the equipment you need to keep your business moving forward.
Click here to learn more about equipment financing or call us at 781-219-0511 to speak with a representative today!